
Finding courage and clarity through motherhood

Archive for the tag “real food”

100 Days of Meditation and Real Food

I woke up 3 days ago and realized it was time to do something different with how I spend my moments. I have always been a creature of habit and somewhere along taking care of a newborn, moving from place to place 5 times in 2 years, and maintaining a career, taking care of my spiritual health took a back seat. I transitioned to meditating frequently to watching lots of TV with my husband at the end of the day. I went from being mindful to seeking mind-numbing moments. I am in the process of yearning an inner awakening and re-balancing of my chakras. I definitely feel out of balance from the inside out.

So, just like running, you just have to do it and practice. And I know that tomorrow is always going to be the best day to meditate because it’s hard to start a new habit today. And 3 days ago, I challenged myself. I challenged myself to meditate for the next 100 days and to also add to that challenge, I am not eating any food that has more than 4 ingredients on its label. My mind and body are seeking transformation and something has to change. And with this challenge, I am hoping to create new habits for me.

The best part about meditating is that I get to do it with my husband. On day 2, my husband sat down with me to meditate and he was craving the moment the second day. Now we are on this journey together. Instead of watching TV when our little one goes to bed, we meditate, have real conversations, and connect without disruptions from television people. We are committed to only watching TV on the weekends. (Thanks to DVR)

Why do all of this? The answer is simply to be a better version of ourselves. When I realized that I needed distractions to have moments to relax, I knew something was not aligned within myself. This is going to be a difficult process but the entire goal to practice mindfulness. My husband and I are not devout or religious but I believe that families who meditate together, stay together. And I want my daughter to grow up practicing mindfulness. Kids copy actions, not attitudes. We have to practice what we want to preach.

Today is Day 4. Today is a good day.

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